The Yorkshire Pudding Wrap

Right when this corona virus was just beginning and we were all just starting to be afraid that it would spread to the UK, I had my last Chiropracter visit in Chester city.  We always treated ourselves to a lunch afterward on our walk back to the bus station.  Usually at a different place each time. 

On that day we decided to treat ourselves to a Yorkshire Pudding Wrap at one of the hot sandwich shops in downtown Chester.  I remember feeling very paranoid about germs at the time. It wasn't a nice feeling.  That was the last time we went anywhere. It was the 5th of March.  The rest is history.  We did enjoy our sandwiches however. They were very good indeed.

The ones we had on that day were turkey ones, with stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc.  I decided to recreate them in our home today using what I had in the house.  Leftover roast beef, leftover roasted vegetables, peas, leftover gravy, etc.

I cut my regular recipe for yorkshire pudding down in size and baked it in a jelly roll tin.  Because it was spread out quite a bit, it didn't rise quite as high, which is what I wanted.  I rolled it up in a clean tea towel as soon as I took it from the oven for a few minutes to soften it and make it a bit more pliable for wrapping purposes. This worked very well.

I then cut it half crosswise to make two smaller wraps.  I spread each half with a quantity of horseradish sauce and grainy mustard and then I started layering.

First heated roast beef.  You want to cut it very thin for this purpose. You can season it a bit with some salt and pepper if you like.

Onto that I layered on the leftover and heated cooked veg that I had.  Roasted potatoes, cut into smaller bits, roasted parsnips, carrots, cabbage . . . baby peas, roasted onions . . .

Just use what vegetables you have.  You don't need a lot really, just a tiny bit of each scattered over your roast beef . . .

A bit of gravy got drizzled on top and then I rolled them up tightly.  In town you can eat these in a parchmen wrapper and yes they are messy.

Here at home, we ate them on plates, with knives and forks and some homemade coleslaw on the side, coz  . . . that's how we roll. 

Of course there was extra gravy for drizzling over top.  You just have to have some gravy drizzled over top.  Just look at that tender roat beef, those crispy roasted potatoes, parsnips, peas  . . .  carrots . . . 

It was nigh on impossible to eat these out of hand.  We didn't even try . . .instead we gobbled them up with knives and forks.

There were little utterances of glee in between mouthfuls  . . .  and why not. These were delicious!

Yield: 2

The Yorkshire Pudding Wrap

The Yorkshire Pudding Wrap

Leftovers from a roast dinner, heated and wrapped in a flattened yorkshire pudding.  Scrumptiously tasty!


For the pudding wrap:
  • 110g plain flour (3/4 cup)
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 large free range egg
  • 250ml milk (1 cup plus 2 tsp)
  • oil to cook
You will also need:
  • 1/2 pound of cooked roast beef, sliced thin and heated
  • a quantity of leftover cooked vegetables, heated (carrots, swede, parsnips, onions, cabbage, peas, etc.)
  • 2 TBS horseradish sauce
  • 1 TBS grainy mustard
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • leftover beef gravy, warmed


  1. Whisk all of the ingredients for the pudding wrap together in a bowl until smooth.  Let stand at room temperature for 10 minutes while you preheat the oven to 220*C/ 425*F/ gas mark 7. 
  2. You will need a jelly roll tin, approximately 12 inchs by 17 inches.  Pour a quantity of oil into the pan, about 1 1/2 TBS.  Put the pan in the oven to heat.  Once the oil has heated pour in the yorkshire pudding batter and return the pan to the oven.  Cook for 20 to 25 minutes until risen and golden brown.
  3. Have ready a clean tea towel the size of the pan.
  4. Warm your roast beef, gravy and vegetables.
  5. When the pudding is done remove it from the tin, flipping it onto the tea towel. Roll it up tighly from the short end, and leave it for a few minutes.  Unroll and then cut it in half crosswise so that you have two pieces of pudding  12 inches by 8 1/2 inches in size.
  6. Spread each piece with 1/2 of the mustard and horseradish sauce., followed by the thinly sliced beef, warmed vegetables and a bit of gravy drizzled on top.  Roll up and serve. Pass some extra gravy on the side if desired.

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I couldn't finish mine actually.  Mitzie didn't mind. My loss was her gain. She loves a good roast dinner, minus the onions and the potatoes!  Do yourself a favour the next time you have leftovers from a roast dinner and make yourselves some of these delicious wraps!  They are Mmm ... Mmm ... Good!

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