Kibbeh Nayeh (Arabic for raw kibbeh) is kibbeh flavored with different spices and served raw. Eating raw meat is popular in the Middle East and kibbeh nayeh is one of the most popular raw meat dishes in Lebanon. It is typically drizzled with olive oil and eaten with pita bread, radishes, scallions and/or cut up white onion. Personally, I think it is delicious! I also grew up eating it. I know of many friends who have tried it as adults and loved it too, so it is definitely worth trying if it's something you haven't eaten before. Be sure to prepare nayeh with the freshest meat possible - see your butcher if you have one local! You will need a food processor and only a few ingredients. Ingredients: 1 pound of beef shoulder roast (as lean as possible) *You can also use lamb meat 1/2 cup bulgar (found in most Middle Eastern grocery stores) Salt Pepper *Optional* minced onion, mint, or cumin
1. Add 1/2 a pound of beef chunks with a tablespoon of crushed ice into food processor until it becomes paste-like. Remove that half and spread on a platter and then add another 1/2 a pound of beef chunks with a tablespoon of crushed ice cubes in food processor and repeat. (reason for this is to prevent meat from darkening)
2. Soak 1/2 a cup of bulgar in cold water for 15 minutes in a small bowl- drain any excess water
3. In a bowl, add all of your meat, a couple dashes of pepper, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and soaked bulgar (as well as any other optional minced ingredients you wish to add) and mix. While mixing, make sure to keep wetting your hands because the paste will get sticky.
4. Once the meat is mixed well place on a serving plate. Remember, drizzle olive oil on your serving before eating it with pita (some people prefer eating it without olive oil)
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